Chapter 1: C Programming History
1.1 History of C Programming
1.2 C Programming History Chart
1.3 Father of C Programming
Chapter 2: C Programming Basics
2.1 Features of C Language
2.2 Application of C Programming
2.5 Interpreter
2.6 Compiler Vs Interpreter
2.7 Execution of C Program
2.8 Type of LANGUAGES: -
Low Level Language
Middle Level Language
High Level Language
2.9 What is Comment in C?
2.10 Types of COMMENT: Single Line | Multi Line
2.11 Difference Between Single and Multi Line Comment
Chapter 3: Variables and Constants
3.1 Basic Building Blocks in C
3.2 Variable in C PROGRAMMING:-
Variable TYPE: Local Variable
Variable TYPE: Global Variable
Fundamental Attributes of Variable
Rules for Declaring Variable -
L-Value of Variable
R-Value of Variable
3.3 Constant in C
3.4 Type of CONSTANTS: Character| Integer | String
3.5 Backslash CHARACTER: List | Properties
3.6 C Programming Character Set
3.7 Keywords in C
3.8 Special Characters in C: Backslash Characters
3.9 Backslash Characters with Examples
3.10 White Space Characters in C
3.11 Expression in C
Chapter 4: Operators in C
4.1 Assignment Operator
4.2 Arithmetic Operator
4.3 Increment OPERATOR: Pre-Increment / Post-Increment
4.4 Decrement OPERATOR: Pre-Decrement / Post-Decrement
4.5 Relational Operator
4.6 Logical Operator
4.7 Bitwise Operator
4.8 Conditional Operator
4.9 & and * Pointer Operators
4.10 Comma Operator
4.11 Dot Operator
4.12 Arrow Operator
4.13 [ ] and ( ) Operators
4.14 Operator Precedence Table AND ASSOCIATIVITY
Chapter 5: Primitive Data Types in C
5.1 What is Data Type
5.2 Defining Type using Typedef
5.3 INTEGER: int| long
5.4 Character
5.5 FLOAT: float | double
5.6 Enum
Chapter 6: Decision Making in C
6.1 Conitional Statements – If Statement | If-Else
6.2 Nesting of Statements – Nested If-Else | Else-If Ladder
6.3 Multiple CONDITIONS inside If
6.4 Multiple Statements in If Block
6.4 Introduction to Switch Statement
6.5 Rules of Using Switch Case
6.6 Invalid Ways of Using Switch Case
6.7 Conditional OPERATION? Operator| Rules
6.8 Jumping STATEMENTS: Goto Statement | Break
Chapter 7: Looping in C
7.1 For LOOP: Introduction | Flowchart
7.2 Different Ways of Writing For Loop
7.3 Nesting of For Loop
7.4 While Loop Introduction
7.5 Infinite While Loop
7.6 Do-While Loop
7.7 DIFFERENCIATION: For Loop Vs While Loop
7.8 DIFFERENCIATION: For Loop Vs Do-While Loop
7.9 DIFFERENCIATION: While Loop Vs Do-While Loop
7.10 Unconditional JUMP: continue| break | exit
Chapter 8: Array in C
8.2 Limitations of Array
8.3 Application of Array
8.4 Types of an ARRAY: 1-D | Multi Dimensional
8.5 1-D Array Declaration
8.6 Initializing 2-D array
8.7 Memory Representation (Multi-Demensional array)
8.8 Accessing array Elements
8.9 Passing Array to Function: Entire Array Element by Element
8.10 Accessing Array RANDOMLY: How a[i] works ?
8.11 Initializing ARRAY: Run-Time | Compile-Time
8.12 Common ERRORS: Array
Chapter 9: Function in C
9.1 What is FUNCTION?
9.2 What is main FUNCTION?
9.3 Why Function is USED?
9.4 How Function WORKS?
9.5 Types of Function 1: No Argument and No Return Type
9.6 Types of Function 2: Argument and No Return Type
9.7 Types of Function 3: Argument and Return Type
9.8 Rules for Writing FUNCTION?
9.9 Function PARAMETER: Formal | Actual
9.10 Function Definition | Calling | Prototype Declaration
9.11 Calling Function
9.12 Parameter Passing Sequence in Function
9.13 Introduction to Recursive Function
9.14 Pass by Value and Pass by Address
Chapter 10: Pointer in C
10.1 Pointer BASIC: Basic Concept of Pointe
10.2 What is POINTER?
10.3 Pointer Address Operator
10.4 Memory Organization of Pointer
10.5 Size of Pointer
10.6 Pointer OPERATOR: Operator | Declaration
10.7 Pointer OPERATOR: Initialization | De-Referencing
10.8 Void POINTER: Introduction| De-Referencing
10.9 Pointer Arithmetic Part 1: Increment | Decrement
10.10 Pointer Arithmetic Part 2: Addition | Subtraction
10.11 Pointer Arithmetic Part 3: Differencing | Comparing
10.12 Illegal Arithmetic Operations on Pointer
10.13 PRECEDENCE: '*' and '&'
10.14 Meaning of (++*ptr)| Meaning of (*++ptr)
10.15 Double POINTER: Pointer to Pointer
10.16 Pointer to Constant
10.17 Pointer to Constant
10.18 Constant to Pointer vs Pointer to Constant?
10.19 Pointer to Array
10.20 Pointer to an Array of Function
10.21 Pointer to an Array of String
10.22 Pointer to Function
10.23 Pointer to an Structure| Union
10.24 Pointer to an Array of Structure | Array of Union
10.25 Application of Pointer in C
10.26 Common Mistakes while Using Pointer
10.27 Concept of Dangling Pointer
Chapter 11: Storage Classes in C
11.1 Introduction to Storage Class in C
11.2 What does Storage Class of Variable DETERMINES?
11.3 Storage Class Scope
11.4 Block SCOPE: Advantages| Disadvantage
11.5 File SCOPE: Advantages | Disadvantage
11.6 Storage CLASS: Auto | Extern | Static | Register
Chapter 12: String in C
12.1 Introduction to String Array
12.2 String Declaration
12.3 String Initialization
12.4 String Termination CHARACTER: NULL
12.5 Accepting STRING: SCANF ()| GETS () | GETCHAR ()
12.6 Displaying STRING: PRINTF () | PUTS ()| PUTCHAR ()
12.7 Arithmetic Operation on Characters
12.8 Converting String to Integer
12.9 String Library FUNCTIONS: Strcat | Strcmp | Strcpy
12.10 String Library FUNCTIONS: Strlen | Strstr
12.11 String Library FUNCTIONS: SPRINTF () | SSCANF ()
12.12 Reading String with Space using SCANF ()
12.13 Difference between char *a and char a[] in C Programming
Chapter 13: Preprocessor in C
13.1 Introduction to PREPROCESSOR: Flowchart
13.2 Difference Between Function and Macro
13.3 Tasks Performed by Preprocessor
13.4 Simple Substitution using #define
13.5 Argumented Macro Substitution using #define
13.6 Nested Macro Substitution using #define
13.7 File Inclusive DIRECTIVE: #include
13.8 Conditional COMPILATION: #if | #else | #elif
13.9 Conditional COMPILATION: #ifdef | #ifndef | #undef
13.10 Conditional COMPILATION: #pragma | #pragma warn
13.11 Conditional COMPILATION: #pragma startup and exit
13.12 Common Mistakes while using Preprocessor
13.13 Applications of #define Preprocessor
Chapter 14: Bitwise Operator in C
14.1 Introduction to Bitwise Operator
14.2 Bitwise Operator : AND | OR | XOR
14.3 Bitwise Operator : Left Shift | Right Shift
14.4 Bitwise Operator : One's Compilment
14.5 Concept of Masking in C Programming
14.6 How to use Bitwise Operator to Shift a Negative NUMBER?
Chapter 15: Structure in C
15.1 Introduction to Structure
15.2 Declaring Structure Variable
15.3 Typedef to Create Structure Type
15.4 Initializing Structure Variable
15.5 Declaring STRUCTURE: Important Things
15.6 Some Structure Declarations and Meaning
15.7 Accessing Structure Members
15.8 Accessing Element in Structure Array
15.9 Initializing Array of Structure
15.10 Passing Array of Structure to Function
15.11 Pointer Within Structure
15.12 Bit Manipulation Using Structure
15.13 Pointer to Structure
15.14 Structure having Integer Array as Member
15.15 Passing Structure to Function
15.16 Array of Pointer to Structure
15.17 Pointer to Structure Within the Same Structure
15.18 Pointer to Array of Structure
15.19 Array of Structure
15.20 Structure within Structure (Nested Structure)
15.21 Calculate Size of Structure | Without sizeof operator
15.22 Uses of Structure | Application of Structure
Chapter 16: Union in C
16.1 Introduction to Union
16.2 Declaring Union
16.3 Accessing Members of Union